Each player is allowed to control a single account. Each account is entitled to be played by a single player
at a time, account sitting being the only exception. Account sitting entitles a given player to have his
account watched over under the following regulations:
- Support must be informed before the sitting takes place, by opening a ticket.
- No Fleet movements are allowed while the account is being sat unless an attack that may raid or crash the
account is incoming, in which case you may save your fleet(s) by deploying or transporting to a planet or to
a moon owned by the account being sat. You may not ninja an incoming attack in cases where you would need to
move a fleet for it.
- An account may only be sat for a maximum period of 48 continuous hours (admin permission needs to be
obtained in cases where a time extension is needed).
The sitter may, on the account being sat and while the sitting period lasts:
- Spend Resources on buildings or researches.
- Fleetsave any ship that is imminently endangered by an incoming attacking fleet, only with a deployment or
transport mission to one of the account's own planets.
- Place an account into vacation mode.
The sitter may not:
- Transport resources, neither between planets/moons of the account being sat, nor to any other planet/moon.
- Spend Resources on defensive structures or ships.
- Sit an account if he sat another one within the previous 7 days.
- Sit an account that was sat within the previous 7 days.
- Remove an account from vacation mode.
It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of
resources. This includes but is not limited to:
- Resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return.
- A player crashing his fleet into a higher ranked one for the higher ranked one to keep the Debris Field,
and thus profiting from it.
- Loans that are not returned within 48 hours.
- Trades in which the higher ranked player does not return the resources within 48 hours.
- Players answering to a higher ranked player's extortion by paying resources.
- Trades that mean an unfair profit to the higher ranked player by falling outside the following range of
3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal.
2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.
It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon owned by a player over 6 times in a single 24-hour period. Bashing is only allowed when your Alliance is at war with another Alliance. The war must be announced in the forum and both leaders must agree to the terms. The bashing rule only applies for active users and excludes missile attacks and espionage missions.
Using a bug for anyone's profit intentionally or not reporting a bug intentionally is strictly forbidden.
Implying that you are going to locate and harm another player is forbidden.
Also, spam, mass sending messages, and advertisements of foreign games/products aren't allowed.
After the Leaders of the alliances both agree to the war, it is officially on. And will continue until one
of the alliances cancels it. To officially cancel the war they need to cancel the war pact from in-game, and
announce it in the thread they started initially. While the war is on, the bashing rule between the
alliances involved does not count. Meaning any members belonging to the alliances in said war can be
attacked an infinite amount of times without punishment. If either alliance gives up and cancels the war,
the bashing rule will take effect again, and any members breaking it after the war has ended will be
punished with a 1-day ban, more if the degree of attack is extremely high.
If the opposing alliance has a fleet in flight and the war is canceled before they arrive, they will NOT be
punished for that attack. But any fleet sent after the war cancellation will count toward the bashing rule.
For new wars, one of the leaders needs to create a new thread in the war/diplomacy section. There they can
set any specific rules or terms they want for the war. Any rules set in place and agreed to by the opposing
alliance must be followed and must not contradict any rules set here.
It's not allowed to make slow speed attacks that will fly for days to other players. Players who will send slow speed attacks to harm others can be banned from 1 to 7 days.
Any kind of insult and spam are not allowed.